Kathmandu to Syabrubesi Distance is 122 Kilometers. It takes about 7 hours to reach at Syabrubesi by Private Jeep & it takes about 8 hours by regular Public Bus.
There is two option to reach at Syabrubeshi either by regual Public Bus or Private Jeep. Regual Public bus does departure from Macchhapokhari, Balaju in Kathmandu, The Bus station for Kathmandu Syabrubeshi is about 5 KM. away from Tourist Hub Thamel. The price of bus ticket for Kathmandu to Syabrubeshi is about USD 15 per person.
Another alternative to reach at Syabrubeshi is by reserved private Jeep, it takes about 7 hours to reach at Syabrubesi by Jeep. If you are looking for comfortable transpotation between Kathmandu and Syabrubesi, then Jeep Ride would be comfortable as well you will reach at destination on time. The Jeep Rental cost is about USD 200 for a Jeep.