Total Tourist Arrival in May 2024

Total Tourist Arrival in May 2024

 As the tourist season still going on, Nepal continues to witness a significant increase in Internaional tourist arrivals. According to data from the Immigration Department, Nepal welcomed 90,211 a total of International tourists during the month of May, 2024 , as confirmed by the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB).

In the first 5 months of  year 2024, Nepal has welcomed over 5,00,000 tourists, as reported by the Nepal Tourism Board, with a total of 5,06,280 International  tourists arriving between January and May Month of this year 2024.

The surge in tourist arrivals underscores Nepal's enduring appeal as a premier destination among travelers worldwide, highlighting the country's diverse cultural heritage, natural beauty, and adventure opportunities.

Here is link for tourist arrival in Nepal each month of year 2024. 




