Kathmandu to Soti Khola Jeep Rental

Kathmandu to Soti Khola Jeep Rental

Kathmandu to Soti Khola Jeep:  Jeep Price US Dollar 200

The road distance is 145 Kilometers from Kathmandu to Soti Khola (The Start point of Manaslu Trekking) and takes about 7 Hours by Jeep. Jeep drive is highly recommended to reach at Soti Khola from Kathmandu because of off-road. 

View of Soti Khola in Gorkha: Soti Khola is Named after Soti River, khola means in English is RIVER.

Jeep Cost to Soti Khola  from Your Place in Kathmandu 

  •  Jeep with Driver (The Capacity of Jeep is 7 persons  with driver); Total Cost is: US Dollar 200

VView of Soti Khola in Gorkha, Soti Khola is named after Name of Soti River. The meaning of Khola in English is River. 

For Your Kind information: At moment there is no avaialbale regular enroute bus to Soti Khola from Kathmandu City. 

 For any queries  to organize  Overland Transporation to/from Soti Khola in Gorkha , please feel free to contact us at nepalhimalayanhiking@gmail.com