Last Updated on 20 March, 2025
Where is Departure Location for Kathmandu to Ramechhap Airport Sharing Transport Vehicle?
Kathmandu to Ramechhap Airport Sharing Transport vehical does leave from Gate of Garden of Dreams at Thamel, Kathmandu that is very close to Tourist Hub Thamel, It takes about less than 10 minutes walk from central of Thamel. Follow the Google Map Location to get EXACT Transport Departure point Location.
What is the Departure Time for Kathmandu to Ramechhap Airport Sharing Transport Vehicle?
1:30 AM Early Morning, Everyday.
What is the Reporting Time for Kathmandu to Ramechhap Airport Sharing Transport?
1:15 AM Early Morning, Everyday.
What Time does Kathmandu to Ramechhap Airport Vehicle Arrive at Ramechhap Airport?
6 AM Early Morning, Everyday.
What is Road Distance Between Garden of Dreams, Thamel to Ramechhap Airport?
131 Kilometers.
Here are some photos how departure place of Ramechhap airport shuttle Tourist bus departure place looks like at momnet of departure time that is at 1:30 am ealry morning of day.