Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus Ticket Price: Ticket Cost
Updated on: Septeber 06, 20222
Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Ticket Bus Price
Normal Tourist Bus Ticket : USD 15
Deluxe Tourist Bus Ticket : USD 20
The distance between Kathmandu to Pokhara is about 200 Kilometers, it takes about 7 hours to reach in Pokhara city by Tourist Bus.
Where is Kathmandu to Pokhara Bus Station located in Kathmandu?
Kathmandu to Pokhara Bus Station is located at Nayabazar, 900 meters away from Tourist Hub Thamel in Kathmandu. It takes about 12 minutes waliking on foot to reach at Bus Station.
What Time does Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus leave everyday?
Kathmandu to Pokhara Tourist Bus leaves at 7 AM in the morning everyday.