Kathmandu to Manthali Airport Distance

Kathmandu to Manthali  Airport Distance

Thie distance between Kathmandu and Manthali Airport is 132 km, it takes about 5 hours Deluxe car, Jeep and Hiace Van Drive to reach at Manthlai Aiport  from Kathmandu City. Manhtali is situated at an elevation of 474 meters above sea level. 

Aerial View of Manhali Airport 

Overland Transportation Cost to Manthali Airport from Your Place in Kathmandu 

1. Car with Driver (The Capacity of Car is 5 persons with driver): Total Cost is: US Dollar 120

2. Jeep with Driver (The Capacity of Jeep is 7 persons  with driver); Total Cost is: US Dollar 170

3. Hiace-Bus (The Capacity of Hiace-Bus is 15 persons with driver): Total Cost is: US Dollar 180



Hiace Van

For any queries  to organize  Overland Transporation to/from Manthali Airport , please feel free to contact us at himalayanepaltrekking@gmail.com